Slow Streets

BeautifulPB supports efforts to reduce vehicle speeds throughout our community in a variety of ways. 

Working to Slow Speeds in PB

We know that slow speeds protect people who walk and bike in Pacific Beach. Traffic fatality rates rise dramatically for speeds above 20 mph.

BeautifulPB supports efforts to slow down vehicle speeds throughout the community. One way we do this is by promoting the Slow Street program in our community and assisting the City with outreach and data collection. Slow streets demonstrate how roadway space can provide benefits to the community beyond just moving cars.

Slow Street on Diamond Data Collection

PB’s Slow Street on Diamond Street continues to provide a safe space for people to skate, cycle, scooter and more during the pandemic.

Here are some of the comments and emails we have received as part of the Slow Street outreach process.

View community input from the “Try Slow on Diamond” Demonstration Event that was held on Diamond St. on September 11, 2021.

View “Try Slow on Diamond” Community Input (PDF)

– Data provided by Circulate San Diego

Support Slow

Our letter writing campaign also helps demonstrate community support for our Slow Streets. Members of the PB community can email Councilmember Joe LaCava to let him know how important you think slow streets are for our community.

Here is a sample letter anyone can use as a template to advocate for slow streets in Pacific Beach.

BeautifulPB supports efforts to reduce vehicle speeds throughout our community in a variety of ways. We advocate for the continued maintenance and improvement of the Diamond Street Slow Street, and expansion of our PB Pathways and active transportation network. 

BeautifulPB is a partner on the Try Slow PB campaign to encourage drivers to slow down in Pacific Beach. You can see our signs throughout the community, reminding drivers to reduce their speeds on our streets. Get your own Try Slow sign by contacting